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ALPLogo ilə maraqlı təsvirlər yaratmaq - proqramı yüklə və öyrən

Alplogo proqrami yukle: How to download and use the Alplogo program

If you are a student or a teacher of informatics in Azerbaijan, you might have heard of Alplogo, a programming environment based on the Logo language. Alplogo is a useful tool for learning and teaching informatics, as it allows you to create and run programs using simple commands. In this article, we will show you how to download and use Alplogo on your computer.

alplogo proqrami yukle

What is Alplogo and why do you need it?

Alplogo is a programming environment based on the Logo language

Logo is a programming language that was developed in the 1960s by Seymour Papert and his colleagues at MIT. Logo is designed to be easy to learn and use, especially for children. Logo uses a turtle as a graphical object that can be moved around on the screen by giving it commands. For example, you can tell the turtle to move forward, turn right, draw a line, change color, etc. By using these commands, you can create various shapes, patterns, animations, and games.

Alplogo is used for teaching and learning informatics in Azerbaijani schools

Alplogo is a programming environment that was created by İsa Naida, an informatics teacher in Azerbaijan. Alplogo is based on Logo, but it has some additional features and options. For example, Alplogo supports three languages: Azerbaijani, English, and Russian. Alplogo also has an editor window where you can write and save programs in Logo language. Alplogo is compatible with Windows operating systems.

Alplogo is used for teaching and learning informatics in Azerbaijani schools from 5th to 7th grades. Alplogo helps students to develop their logical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and programming skills. Alplogo also helps teachers to explain informatics concepts and demonstrate examples in an interactive way.

Alplogo has many features and benefits for students and teachers

Some of the features and benefits of Alplogo are:



Supports three languages: Azerbaijani, English, and Russian

Lets you choose the language of your preference and switch between them easily

Has an editor window where you can write and save programs in Logo language

Lets you create and edit programs in a convenient way and store them for future use

Has a menu bar and a toolbar that provide different functions and options

Lets you access various features such as file management, printing, help, settings, etc.

Has a command window where you can enter commands for Bağa, the turtle

Lets you interact with Bağa and see the immediate results of your commands

Has a graphics window where you can see the results of your commands and programs

Lets you visualize the shapes, patterns, animations, and games that you create with Bağa

Has a status bar that shows the current position, direction, color, and pen state of Bağa

Lets you monitor the status of Bağa and make adjustments if needed

Has a library of predefined procedures that you can use in your programs

Lets you use ready-made functions that perform common tasks such as drawing shapes, filling colors, etc.

Allows you to create your own procedures and variables in Logo language

Lets you define your own functions and data that suit your needs and preferences

Supports arithmetic, logical, relational, and string operations in Logo language

Lets you perform calculations, comparisons, and manipulations with numbers, words, and lists in your programs

Supports recursion, iteration, conditional statements, and loops in Logo language

Lets you create complex programs that use repetition, selection, and branching logic in your programs

How to download Alplogo from the official website?

To download Alplogo from the official website, you need to follow these steps:

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ALPLogo 3.3.1 son versiya indir

ALPLogo hazirliqlar cinare bayramova ve etibar suleymanov

ALPLogo promethean lohve ucun resurslar

ALPLogo 3D grafik redaktor sketchup

ALPLogo pascal programlasdirma muhiti

ALPLogo paint xp windows 7 ve daha ustu versiyalar ucun

ALPLogo gamelogo oyun formasinda programlasdirma

Visit the website of Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi

Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi is a website that provides information and resources for informatics education in Azerbaijan. You can visit the website by clicking on this link: [Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi].

Go to the section of Proqram təminatı

Proqram təminatı is a section of the website that contains software for informatics education. You can go to this section by clicking on the tab of Proqram təminatı on the top menu bar of the website.

Find and click on the link of ALPLogo 3.3.1 (SON VERSİYA)

ALPLogo 3.3.1 (SON VERSİYA) is the latest version of Alplogo that was released on 19.06.2020. You can find this link on the left sidebar of the Proqram təminatı section. You can click on this link to start downloading Alplogo to your computer.

Save the file to your computer and extract it

The file that you download is a compressed ZIP file that contains Alplogo and its components. You need to save this file to a location on your computer where you can easily find it. Then, you need to extract this file using a program such as WinRAR or 7-Zip. You can extract this file by right-clicking on it and choosing Extract here or Extract to ALPLogo 3.3.1.

How to install and run Alplogo on your computer?

To install and run Alplogo on your computer, you need to follow these steps:

Open the extracted folder and double-click on the file of ALPLogo.exe

The extracted folder contains a file named ALPLogo.exe which is the executable file of Alplogo. You need to open this folder and double-click on this file to start the installation process.

Choose the language of your preference (Azerbaijani, English, or Russian)

When you run the file of ALPLogo.exe, you will see a window that asks you to choose the language of your preference. You can choose between Azerbaijani, English, or Russian by clicking on the corresponding flag icon. Then, you will see a welcome message in the chosen language.

Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation

After choosing the language, you will see a series of windows that guide you through the installation process. You need to follow the instructions on the screen and click on the appropriate buttons to proceed. For example, you need to accept the license agreement, choose the destination folder, create a desktop shortcut, etc. The installation process will take a few minutes to complete.

Launch the program from the desktop shortcut or the start menu

When the installation is finished, you will see a message that confirms that Alplogo has been successfully installed on your computer. You can launch the program by clicking on the Finish button or by using the desktop shortcut or the start menu. You will see the main window of Alplogo with its components.

How to use Alplogo to create and run programs?

To use Alplogo to create and run programs, you need to follow these steps:

Use the command window to enter commands for Bağa, the turtle

The command window is where you can enter commands for Bağa, the turtle that appears in the graphics window. Bağa can understand commands in Logo language, such as FD (forward), BK (back), RT (right), LT (left), PD (pen down), PU (pen up), CS (clear screen), etc. You can enter one or more commands in the command window and press Enter to execute them. For example, if you enter FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 FD 100 RT 90 and press Enter, Bağa will draw a square in the graphics window.

Use the graphics window to see the results of your commands and programs

The graphics window is where you can see the results of your commands and programs. The graphics window shows Bağa and its movements on a coordinate plane. You can zoom in or out, change the background color, or save the image as a file using the buttons on the bottom of the graphics window. You can also click and drag Bağa to move it to a different position.

Use the editor window to write and save programs in Logo language

The editor window is where you can write and save programs in Logo language. A program is a sequence of commands that perform a specific task. You can use the editor window to create new programs, open existing programs, edit programs, save programs, or run programs. You can also use comments, procedures, variables, operations, and control structures in your programs. For example, you can write a program that draws a circle using this code:

; This is a comment that explains what the program does ; This program draws a circle using Bağa ; This is a procedure that defines how to draw a circle TO circle REPEAT 360 [FD 1 RT 1] ; This is a loop that repeats 360 times END ; This is how to run the procedure circle

You can save this program as a file with .lgo extension and run it using the Run button or the F5 key.

Use the menu bar and the toolbar to access different functions and options

The menu bar and the toolbar are located on the top of the main window of Alplogo. They provide different functions and options that you can use to enhance your experience with Alplogo. For example, you can use the menu bar to access the following menus:

  • File: This menu lets you create, open, save, print, or exit files and programs.

  • Edit: This menu lets you undo, redo, cut, copy, paste, or delete commands and programs.

  • View: This menu lets you change the font size, color, or style of the command window and the editor window.

  • Tools: This menu lets you access the settings, the help, or the about information of Alplogo.

  • Language: This menu lets you change the language of Alplogo to Azerbaijani, English, or Russian.

You can also use the toolbar to access some of the most common functions and options that are available in the menu bar. For example, you can use the toolbar to create a new file, open an existing file, save a file, run a program, stop a program, print a file, zoom in or out, change the background color, or access the help.

How to learn more about Alplogo and Logo language?

If you want to learn more about Alplogo and Logo language, you can use the following resources and opportunities:

Visit the website of Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi for more resources and tutorials

The website of Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi has more resources and tutorials that can help you learn and master Alplogo and Logo language. You can find these resources and tutorials in the sections of Dərsliklər, Metodik vəsaitlər, Videodərsliklər, Testlər, and ALPLogo proqramlaşdırma olimpiadası. You can also download other software for informatics education from this website.

Watch YouTube videos by Elish Guliyev, Naida Isayeva, and others

YouTube is another source of learning and inspiration for Alplogo and Logo language. You can watch YouTube videos by Elish Guliyev, Naida Isayeva, and others who have created informative and engaging videos on Alplogo and Logo language. You can learn from their examples, tips, tricks, and challenges. You can also subscribe to their channels and leave comments or questions.

Read the textbooks of İnformatika for 5th, 6th, and 7th grades

The textbooks of İnformatika for 5th, 6th, and 7th grades are the official textbooks that are used in Azerbaijani schools for informatics education. These textbooks cover the basics of Alplogo and Logo language as well as other topics such as computer hardware, software, networks, internet, data types, algorithms, etc. You can read these textbooks to review what you have learned in class or to prepare for exams.

Participate in the ALPLogo proqramlaşdırma olimpiadası

The ALPLogo proqramlaşdırma olimpiadası is a programming competition that is organized by Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi every year. The competition is open to students from 5th to 7th grades who have learned Alplogo and Logo language. The competition consists of three stages: school level, district level, and national level. The competition challenges students to solve problems using Alplogo and Logo language. The competition rewards students with certificates, medals, and prizes. You can participate in the competition to test your skills, have fun, and win awards.


Alplogo is a programming environment based on the Logo language that is used for teaching and learning informatics in Azerbaijani schools. Alplogo has many features and benefits for students and teachers, such as supporting three languages, having an editor window, a command window, a graphics window, a menu bar, and a toolbar, and allowing you to create and run programs using simple commands. You can download Alplogo from the official website of Informatikanin məktəbdə tədrisi and install and run it on your computer. You can also use other resources and opportunities to learn more about Alplogo and Logo language, such as watching YouTube videos, reading textbooks, and participating in the programming competition. We hope this article has helped you to understand how to download and use Alplogo on your computer.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Alplogo and Logo language:

Q: What are the system requirements for Alplogo?

A: Alplogo is compatible with Windows operating systems, such as Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Alplogo does not require much disk space or memory to run smoothly.

Q: How can I change the speed of Bağa?

A: You can change the speed of Bağa by using the command SETSPEED followed by a number from 0 to 10. For example, SETSPEED 10 will make Bağa move very fast, while SETSPEED 0 will make Bağa move very slow.

Q: How can I change the shape of Bağa?

A: You can change the shape of Bağa by using the command SETSHAPE followed by a number from 0 to 7. For example, SETSHAPE 0 will make Bağa look like a turtle, while SETSHAPE 7 will make Bağa look like a car.

Q: How can I clear the graphics window?

A: You can clear the graphics window by using the command CS or CLEARSCREEN. This will erase everything that Bağa has drawn on the screen and bring Bağa back to the center of the screen.

Q: How can I stop a program that is running?

A: You can stop a program that is running by pressing the Esc key or clicking on the Stop button on the toolbar. This will interrupt the execution of the program and return you to the command window or the editor window. 44f88ac181

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