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How to Download Sublime Text 3 and Customize it to Your Needs

Sublime Text 3: A Powerful Code Editor for Programmers and Writers

If you are looking for a fast, flexible, and feature-rich code editor, you might want to check out Sublime Text 3. Sublime Text 3 is a cross-platform text editor that supports multiple programming languages and markup formats. It is designed to make coding easier, more enjoyable, and more productive.

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In this article, we will show you what Sublime Text 3 can do for you, how to download and install it, how to use it, and how to compare it with other code editors. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why Sublime Text 3 is one of the best code editors available today.

How to download and install Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. You can download it from the official website: . There are different versions for each platform, as well as portable versions that do not require installation.

Sublime Text 3 may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation. The license costs $80 USD per user and allows you to use Sublime Text on any computer you own. You can buy the license from the website: .

To install Sublime Text 3 on your computer, follow these steps:

  • Download the appropriate version for your platform from the website.

  • Run the installer or extract the portable version to a folder of your choice.

  • Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation.

  • Launch Sublime Text 3 from the Start menu, Applications folder, or terminal.

  • Enter your license key if you have purchased one, or continue with the evaluation mode.

How to use Sublime Text 3

Sublime Text 3 has a simple and elegant interface that lets you focus on your code. It has a sidebar that shows your files and folders, a tab bar that shows your open files, a status bar that shows information about your current file, and a main area that shows your code.

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Sublime Text 3 has many features that make coding easier and faster. Some of these features are:

  • Goto Anything: This feature allows you to quickly jump to any file, symbol, or line in your project by pressing Ctrl+P (or Cmd+P on Mac) and typing what you are looking for.

  • Goto Definition: This feature allows you to jump to the definition of a function, variable, or class by pressing F12 (or Cmd+R on Mac) when your cursor is on it.

  • Multiple Selections: This feature allows you to edit multiple lines or regions of code at once by pressing Ctrl+D (or Cmd+D on Mac) to select the next occurrence of the current word or selection.

  • Command Palette: This feature allows you to access various commands and settings by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P on Mac) and typing what you want to do.

  • Snippets: This feature allows you to insert predefined code templates by typing a trigger word and pressing Tab.

  • Auto-Completion: This feature allows you to complete the current word or phrase by pressing Ctrl+Space (or Cmd+Space on Mac) and choosing from a list of suggestions.

Sublime Text 3 also has many keyboard shortcuts and commands that you can use to perform various actions. You can find a list of them in the menu bar, the documentation, or the Command Palette. You can also customize them by editing the key bindings file.

Sublime Text 3 is also highly customizable and extensible. You can change the appearance and behavior of Sublime Text 3 by editing the settings file, choosing a different theme or color scheme, or installing a package. A package is a collection of plugins, snippets, themes, or other resources that add functionality or enhance Sublime Text 3. You can find and install packages using the Package Control tool, which you can access from the Command Palette.

How to compare Sublime Text 3 with other code editors

Sublime Text 3 is not the only code editor available in the market. There are many other code editors that offer similar or different features and benefits. Some of the most popular ones are:

Code Editor



Visual Studio Code

- Free and open source- Built-in debugger and terminal- Rich extension ecosystem- Integrated with GitHub and Azure

- Higher memory usage- Slower startup time- Less customization options- Less keyboard-centric


- Free and open source- Built on web technologies- Hackable and customizable- Supports live collaboration

- Higher memory usage- Slower performance- Less stable and reliable- Less native integration


- Free and open source- Lightweight and fast- Supports multiple languages- Supports macros and plugins

- Windows only- Outdated interface- Limited features and functionality- Less community support


- Free and open source- Available on any platform- Powerful and efficient- Supports scripting and plugins

- Steep learning curve- No graphical interface- Requires configuration and customization- Less user-friendly


Sublime Text 3 is a powerful code editor that offers many features and benefits for programmers and writers. It is fast, flexible, and feature-rich. It supports multiple languages and formats. It has a simple and elegant interface that lets you focus on your code. It has many keyboard shortcuts and commands that make coding easier and faster. It is highly customizable and extensible with settings, themes, packages, and plugins.

If you want to try Sublime Text 3 for yourself, you can download it from the official website and use it for free for an unlimited time. However, if you want to support the development of Sublime Text 3 and enjoy its full functionality, you should buy a license for $80 USD per user. You can also compare Sublime Text 3 with other code editors to see which one suits your needs and preferences better.


Q: How do I update Sublime Text 3?

A: You can update Sublime Text 3 by going to the Help menu (or Sublime Text menu on Mac) and choosing Check for Updates. If there is a new version available, you can download and install it from there.

Q: How do I uninstall Sublime Text 3?

A: You can uninstall Sublime Text 3 by going to the Control Panel (or Applications folder on Mac) and choosing Uninstall a Program (or dragging Sublime Text 3 to the Trash on Mac). You can also delete the folder where you installed or extracted Sublime Text 3.

Q: How do I contact Sublime Text 3 support?

A: You can contact Sublime Text 3 support by sending an email to or You can also visit the official website, forum, or documentation for more information.

Q: How do I learn more about Sublime Text 3?

A: You can learn more about Sublime Text 3 by reading the documentation, watching the video tutorials, or taking the online courses that are available on the internet. You can also join the Sublime Text 3 community and ask questions, share tips, or give feedback.

Q: How do I write code in Sublime Text 3?

A: You can write code in Sublime Text 3 by creating a new file, choosing the language or syntax you want to use, and typing your code. You can also open an existing file, edit it, and save it. You can use the features and tools of Sublime Text 3 to help you write better and faster code. 44f88ac181

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